The world in an old cup

La lumière en rouge jouait son théâtre
À travers le verre de la vieille tasse…
Rémanence du matin lumineux
Où nous avions fait l’amour si heureux.
Elle était toute chaude et avait ses règles…
Et ce même rouge qui l’imprégnait,
Qui la rendait femelle et sensuelle
Qu’on aurait dit qu’elle n’était plus que ça :
Toute haletante avec son nu offert.
La lumière en rouge qui me réchauffe,
Éveillant à nouveau en moi ce rêve.


The light in red played its theater
Through the glass of the old cup…
Bright Morning Afterglow
Where we had made love so tenderly.
She was all hot and had her period…
And that same red that had permeated her,
Which made her feminine and sensual
That we would have said that she was no more than that:
All breathless with her bare offered.
The red light that warms me,
Awakening in me again this dream.

Author hyneige

I love to give joy to people

Light rained down in bits of heavy time and things slowed for once and for all, on the planet Earth. The stock market fell too, slow and low, in harmony with the hallucinatory killer meteor from outer space. Scientests noted it split three ways as it fell, then devolved into smaller and smaller bits, which sunk lovingly into and through the gravity well. Bits and pieces popped as they hit atmosphere, and the other meteors, the largish, still whole ones, began to sing in high harmonics as they imploded every last facet of the protector, the great Iron Dome. And the three remaining fragments, their baby meteorites, and millions of miles of micro/macro meteor dust, descended. The light came then, from all that matter hitting the atmosphere. It had a different kind of aura, thick and strange. We watched the sky fall, like streamers from a child’s hand, and then the light broke us open. Translucent things wept into shallow hands and sung us hollow songs. The falling stars broke the world. There is nothing left of us but ghosts.

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